Violin Instruction
A Three-Fold Plan for Success & Growth
Individual Instruction
Weekly lessons, typically 30-45 minutes in length, allow teacher to customize instruction based on the students' needs and learning styles. Using the standard Suzuki repertoire, as well as other great supplemental materials, individual lessons target technique, develop ear training and sight reading, and memorization. The larger goal of the Suzuki teacher is to build a rapport that encourages confidence, character growth, and a love for making music. The home coach / parent is an essential part of the child's individual lesson, and is required to attend, observe, and take notes during the lesson.

Group Instruction
The group lesson is one of the unique aspects of a Suzuki education and an important and fun way to nurture musicianship, socialization, and friendship. Weekly participation in the group lesson is required. Unity, part playing, and leadership are just a few skills that can be learned by playing in a group. Special workshops highlighting guest instructors will introduce different music genres and techniques in an engaging setting.

Home Practice
Daily, purposeful practice guided by the parent is essential for elementary aged children and strongly encouraged even up to the teens. Just 15 minutes a day of concentrated, slow repetitions of target passages can bring amazing results over time. Most of the hard work, as well as most of the progress, will happen at home.

Performance Opportunities
Instruction is enhanced with performance opportunities like studio recitals and free performances in the community. Performances allow students to work toward goals, collaborate with a pianist, gain confidence in front of an audience, and experience the joy that comes in making music for others.

Want to learn more?
Contact an instructor to find out rates, check availability, or schedule a free trial lesson.
Immanuel Lutheran Church
320 South Bradley Street
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858
Suzuki Music Studio of Mt. Pleasant
(989) 572-0340